The 1St Religious Mission For Peace To Vatican City, Italy, And Jerusalem,Israel 9-18 May 1977
Members of the Mission
1.World Peace Envoy, Dr. suchart Kosolkitiwong, President of the International Federation of Religions Federation of Religions as Head of the Mission.
2.Phra Depsobhana, a high ranking Ecclesiastical Buddhist Monk, the Regional Governor of Region 14 of the Thai Buddhist Sangha Order and a former Secretary to the late Supreme Patriarch of Thailand.
3.The Most Rev. Bishop Pietro Carretto who is the President of the Episcopal Commission on Dialogue and Ecumenism in Thailand.
4.Mr. Boonyong Vongvanij, a former member of the National Assembly, who is the President of the Young Buddhist Association of Thailand Under Royal Patronage and President of the Coordinating Committee of Religious Organizations of Thailand, Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Education.
5.Mr.Singtoh Changtrakul, a former Bangkok Representative to the Parliament, who is the Rector of the Bangkok Christian College and former Secretary General of the Y.M.C.A., Thailand.
6.Mr. Preeja Jumchai, a former Secretary General of the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youths ( W.F.B.Y.), who is the Executive Director of the Coordinating Headquarters of the I.F.R.
7.Mr. Metee Ruangutamenant, a photographer and a reporter.
8.Mr. Sitthichai Tangtrongchit, a Secretary to the Most Ven. Phra Depsobhana.

His Holiness Pope VI granted a private audience to World Peace Envoy, Dr. suchart Kosolkitiwong and his mission on May 11, 1977 at Vatican city.
Activities of the Mission in Vatican City
The activities of the mission in Vatican City were reported in the Bulletin of the “ Secretariatus Pro Non-Christianis” 1977-XII/3 (36) pages 190-191 as follows:
“ Rome-Vatican City: Thai Buddhist Delegation Was Received in Audience.
On May 10, a group of Buddhist Layman from Thailand, led by Mr. Suchart kosolkitiwong, Director of the “ Religious Land” or Samnak Poo Sawan, situated in Amphur Pak-Thaw,
Chang-wad Rajburi, arrived in Rome with an aim to pay respect to the Pope and to receive his blessing.
The Delegation was accompanied by an Ecclesiastical high ranking Buddhist monk, the Ven. Chaokhun Phra Depsobhana and six other members of the same religious organization.
Bishop Pietro Carretto of Surathani in Thailand who is also President of the Episcopal Commission on Dialogue and Ecumenism was invited to take part in this delegation, and to act as interpreter while in Rome.
Prior to their coming to Rome, the group had already been received by the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Thailand, Archbishop Giovanni Moretti, and also by Archbishop Michael Michai of Bangkok. The purposes of their religious mission to the their religious mission to the Vatican and Jerusalem were:- “ As a symbol of unity among religions, Images of the Holy Founders of various World Religions are under planning for erection in the Religious Land. Already erected is a 9 metre high Lord Buddha Image on one of the mountain peaks in the Religious Land. Now we are planning, through the cooperation of the Christians, to erect the Statue of Supreme Holiness Jesus Christ. Wishing for the success, we have requested an audience with His Holiness Pope Paul VI at Vatican City, hoping to obtain religious advices on the convention of international seminar among religions and to receive holy objects to be enshrined in the erected Statue of Supreme Holiness Jesus Christ….” ( Cf. Declaration of the Religious Mission of the Thai Buddhist Delegation ).

In consultation for religious brotherhood cooperation with H.E. Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli at the Secretariat for Non-Chritstians in Vatican City.
The Buddhist Delegation was received in Audience by the Pope on Wednesday, 11th May at 12.30 o`clock. Each member of the group was presented to the Holy Father, who was delighted to receive them. He also wished them every success in their works for the cause of peace in Thailand……Mr. Suchart, head of the delegation, presented some gifts which were purposely brought from Thailand to the Holy Father and on behalf of all present begged His Holiness to bless their religious mission in the Religious Land, or Samnak Poo Sawan . On this occasion, a set of 45 volumes of Tripitaka in Thai and a bookcase, Thai hand crafted sent by airmail from Thailand, were presented to the Holy Father. This was considered by the delegation to be the most precious gift. The Audience lasted about 15 minutes.
As a matter of fact, the delegation paid a visit twice to Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli and the staff Members of the Secretariat for Non-Christians. The first encounter took place at the Secretariat itself. The two parties took the opportunity to exchange viewpoints on religious topics and to reconsider together the world situations which favour or disfavor the dialogue as well as the religious mission. The conversation lasted about 40 minutes. It was continued on the following day at the residence of His Eminence Cardinal Pignedoli. No specific conclusion was drawn, but the encounter was carried out in a spirit of religious brotherhood ….The Delegation stayed in Rome from May 10th-13th ; they then proceeded to Jerusalem to pay respect to the Holy Places of Christianity for the purpose of promoting the religious understanding, collaboration, and fraternity.”
Activities of the Mission in Jerusalem
1. Having a meeting with His Eminence Patriarch James Joseph Beltritti of Christianity in Jerusalem on May 14, 1977.
2. Having a meeting with His Eminence Sa`Dd-Eddin E1-Alami, Mufti of Islam in Jerusalem on May 16, 1977.
3. Having a meeting with high ranking government officials of Israel, such as H.E. Mr. Amir, former Israeli Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Mr. J. Seguy, former Commercial Attache to Thailand, Mr. Daniel Rossing, the Director General, Department of Christianity, Ministry of Religions, Mr. Shlomo Dayan, from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Jacob Strod , Hon. Consul General, and Mr. Eddy strod, Hon. Vice consul General for Thailand in Israel.

H.E. Patriarch James Joseph Beltriti of Jerusalem, Israel, welcome Dr. Suchart Kosolkitiwong and his mission who received from the Patriarch the Holy Stone Relic from the mountain where Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for enshrinement at the State of Lord Jesus Christ in the Religious Land Hooppha Sawan (May 14, 1977).

H.E. Sa'Dd-Eddin El- Alami, Mufti of Islam in Jerusalem, welcome the mission at the Al Aqsa Mosque (May 16,1977).