Some Important Functions In The Religious Land Hooppha Sawan
- Consecration Ceremony of the Image of the late Supreme Patriarch of Ayuthya City
( B.E. 2125-2224/ A.D. 1582-1681 ) known as Luang Poo Tuad for erection in Salika Cave on April 12, 1972.
Chairman of Religious Ceremony was the Most Ven. Phra Rajyadilok
Chairman of the Ceremony was Prof. Dr. Kloom Vajropala.
Chairmen of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Chamroon Kavila, Chief Officer of Pak-Tho District.
2. Consecration Ceremony of the Image of the most famous elesiastical Buddhist monk of the Chakri Dynasty ( B.E. 2331-2414/ A.D. 1788/1872 ) known as Somdej Phrabuddhacharn Brahmransi ( Toh ), to be erected in the Singh- Mongkol Cave, on July 16, 1973.
Chairman of the Religious Ceremony was the Supreme Patriarch ( Vasna Vasano ).
Chairman of the Ceremony was General Thongchoem Sangkhavanij.
Chairman of the Organizing committee was Maj.Gen. Thawil kasetrathat.
3. The Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony the Jinnapooto Memorial Foundation Hall on October 12, 1973.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Mr. Aphai Chantravimol, Minister of Education.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Prof. Dr. Kloom Vajropala.
4. Dhamma Chakra Flag Hoisting Ceremony for the Religious Land on January 24, 1974.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.S.H. Price Choompakaputra Jumbala.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Boonyong Vongvanij.
5. Opening Ceremony of the Hall of Chief Lord on January 14, 1974.
Chairman of the Ceremony was General Kruan Sutthanindra.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Boonyong Vongvanij.

The Consecration Ceremony of the 9-country Buddha Images was presided over by H.E. Sukij Nimmahaminda, Deputy Prime Minister, Diplomats from 9 countries, and Honourable guests
6. Consecration Ceremony of the Buddha Images containing the Holy Soils from 9 countries on March 31st – April 7th, 1974.
Chairman of Religious Ceremony was H.H. the Supreme Patriarch (Vasna Vasano).
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Boonyong Vongvanij.
Honourable Guests were the Most Ven. Amritananda Mahathero , Supreme Patriarch of Nepal and Vice-President of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. And Diplomatic Representatives from 9 countries from which the Holy Soils were collected.
7. Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Peace Pagoda on October 19, 1974.
Chairman of the Ceremony was His Holiness Supreme Patriarch of Thailand ( Vasna Vasano).
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Maj. Gen. Prakarn Phuvanat nuraksa
8. Ceremony of the Buddha Image Casting – Gandhara Style on February 25, 1975.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Peace Envoy Suchart Kosolkitiwong.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was H.S.H. Prince Choompakaputra Jumbala.
9. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 12-13, 1975.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Dr. Nibhon Sasithorn, Minister of Education.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Prof. Dr. Kloom Vajropala.
10. Opening Ceremony of the Public Health Centre on November 25, 1975.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Peace Envoy Suchart Kosolkitiwong.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was H.S.H. Prince Choompakaputra Jumbala.
11. Casting Ceremony of the Statue of King Rama I on February 15, 1976.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.S.H. Prince Choompakaputra Jumbala.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Pol. Maj.Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
12. Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the 9- metre high Buddha Image on March 28, 1976.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Peace Envoy Suchart Kosolkitiwong.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was H.S.H. Prince Choompakaputra Jumbala.
13. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 12-13, 1976
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony was Pol. Maj. Gen. Charas Pengcharoen, Commissioner of Provincial Police Bureau 1.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Prof. Dr. Kloom Vajropala.
14. Enshrinement Ceremony of the Buddha’s Relics in the Peace Pagoda on October 19-28, 1976.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Air. Chief Marshal Davee Chullasap, Deputy Prime Minister.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Pol. Maj. Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
Chairman of the Religious Ceremony was His Holiness Supreme Patriarch of Thailand ( Vasna Vasano).
Honourable Guests were : H.E. Mr. Nazrul Islam, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
: H.E. Mr. G.J. Malik, Ambassador of the Republic of India.
: Hr. Sukotjo Hardjosarwono, Education and Cultural Attache of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.
: Mr. Muang Boon Mee, First Secretary and Mr. Loh Chang Leng, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Malaysia.
: Mr. Baikuntha Prasad Ariyal, Attache of the Royal Nepalese Embassy.
: Mr. L.B.C. Monerawela, Charge d’ Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Sri Lanka.
: Mr. Anatoli N. Gontcharouk, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
: Mr. Perry J. Stieglitz, Cultural Attache of the Embassy of the United States of America.
15. Opening Ceremony of the Friendship Hall aimed for peace meeting on September 19,1977.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Peace Envoy Suchart Kosolkitiwong
Chairperson of the Organizing committee was Miss Suphavadee Thidathepprom.
16. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 13, 1977.
Chairman of the Ceremony was General Katpundit Jotikayan.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Pol.Maj.Gen. Pibul Passawat.

The Supreme Patriarch of Thailand presiding over the Exhibition Ceremony of the Religious Mission's Works to Vatican City and Jerusalem.
17. Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition of the Religious Mission’s Works to Vatican City and Jerusalem on October 19, 1977.
Chairman of the Ceremony was His Holiness Supreme Patriarch of Thailand ( Vasna Vasano).
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was the Most Rev. Bishop Pietro Carretto, President of the Episcopal Commission on Dialogue and Ecumenism of the Catholic Church in Thailand.
18. Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the 9-metre high Statue of Lord Jesus Christ on December 25, 1977.
Chairman of the Ceremony was H.E. Dr. Boonsom Martin, Minister of Education.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Vajra Singkhivibul , Governor of Ratchaburi Province.
Chairman of the Consecration of the Foundation Stone was the Most Rev. Bishop Pietro Carretto.
Honourable Guests were H.E. Field Marshal Prapas and Lady Sawai Charusathiera.

Education Minister, Dr. Boonsom Martin, Annointing the Foundation Stone to erect the Statue of Lord Jesus Christ.
19. Opening Ceremony of the Buddhist Sikhs Exhibition on February 19,1978.
Chairman of the Ceremony was His Holiness Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Maharaj, Supreme Spiritual Leader of the Namdhari Sikhs from Punjab, India.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Pol.Maj.Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
Honourable Guests were H.E. Field Marshal Prapas and Lady Sawai Charusathiera.
20. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 13, 1978.
Chairman of the Ceremony was Maj.Gen. Sanoh Muang Am.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Maj.Gen.Prasit Cheunboon.
21. Foundation Stone laying Ceremony of the World Eternal Peace Conference Hall on October 19, 1978.
Chairman of the Religious Ceremony : H.H. Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Maharaj, Supreme Spiritual Leader of Namdhari Sikhs for Namdhari Sikhs.
: The Most Ven. Phra Depsobhana for Buddhism.
: Reverend Sanit Lulitanond for Christianity.
: Phra Rajkru Vamadev Muni, Chief Brahmin of Thailand for Hinduism.
Honourable Guests were : Field Marshal Prapas Charusathiera, Former Deputy Prime Minister.
: Gen. Kruan Sutthanindra, Former Defence Minister.
: and Diplomatic Representatives from 19 countries from which the Holy Soils were collected.
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony : Gen. Serm Na Nakorn, Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee : Gen. Katpundit Jotikayan.
22. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 13, 1979.
Chairman of the Ceremony was Capt. Sutthi Pongsuwan, Chief Officer of Pak Tho District.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Mr. Chant Burarak.
23. The Buddhist and Christian Joint Procession Ceremony in taking the Image of the Virgin Mary presented by the Vatican, to be located near the 9-metre-high Statue of Lord Jesus Christ on Suae Mohb mountain peak, on February 11, 1980.
Chairman of the Ceremony : Most Rev. Bishop Pietro Carretto, President of the Episcopal Commission on Dialogue and Ecumenism in Thailand.
24. The Construction Ceremony of the World Eternal Peace Conference Hall on January 19, 1980.
Chairman of the Ceremony : World Peace Envoy, Dr. Suchart kosolkitiwong.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Pol. Maj.Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
25. The Great October Praying Ceremony for World Peace on 19th -28th October, 1980.
Chairman of the Religious Ceremony : The Most Ven. Phra Rajyandilok.
: Mr. Siripong Vajrothai, Court Astrologer as a representative of Chief Brahmin.
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony : H.H. Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Maharaj.
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony : The Most Rev. Bishop Pietro Carretto.
Honourable Guests were : Gen Samran Patyakul, Royal Privy Councillor.
: Pol.Lt. Chaowarin Latthasaksiri, Member of Parliament.
: H.E. Dr. Jan Majewski, Ambassador of the Polish People’s Republic.
: H.E. Mr. Mohsen Fahmy Youssef, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
: H.E. Mr. Ioan Revecu, Charge d’ Affairs of Socialist Republic of Romania.
: Hon U Kyat Muang, First. Secretary of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma.
: H.E. Dr. Ernest E. Obminski, Counsellor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
: H.E. Mr.Hiroshi Ando, Counsellor of Japan.
: Mr. Jim L. Meszes, First Secretary of Australia.
: Hon. Mr. Muang Boon Mee, First Secretary of Malaysia.
: Hon. Mr. Phanthong Thommahaxay, first Secretary of Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
: Hon. Mr. Moshe Alfi, Second Secretary of Israel.
: Hon. Mr. Mark L. Van Fleet, Second Secretary of United States of America.
: Hon. Mr. Dang Phong Hoan, Second Secretary of Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
: Hon. Mr. Ahmad Syahrein Nasution, Third Secretary of the Republic of Indonesia.
: Hon. Mr. Rajat Suha, Third Secretary of the Republic of India.
: Hon. Mr. Gerhard Ziegler, First Secretary of the Republic of Austria.
: Hon. Mr. Piti Sukakul, Hon. Consul General of the Hellenic Republic ( Greece ).
26. Ceremony for Anointing and Laying the Foundation Stone of the Statue of the Would-be Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva ( Kuan Yin) on 19th October, 1980.
Chairman of Foods Offering Ceremony to Holy Spirit of Divine World: Pol.Maj.Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
Chairperson of Anointing the Foundation Stone Ceremony : M.L. Sroiraya Yukol.
Chairperson of the Organizing Committee : Miss Suphavadee Thidathepprom.
Chairman of Foundation Stone Laying: Pol.Maj. Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
Honourable Guest : H.E. Field Marshal Prapas Charusathiera.
27. Opening Ceremony of the Works Exhibition of Four Religious Missions for Peace on 19th October 1980.
Chairman of Opening Ceremony :H.E. Field Marshal Prapas Charusathiera.
Chairman of Organizing Committee: Gen. Katpundit Chotikayan.
28. Celebration Ceremony of the 4th Anniversary of the Enshrinement of Lord Buddha’s Holy Relics in the Peace Pagoda on 19th October 1980.
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony: H.E. Gen Samran Patyakul, Member of the Royal Privy Council.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Maj.Gen.Prasit Cheunboon.
29. Celebration for Peace Envoy Being appointed as World Peace Envoy, at 4th Annual Conference of WCPA between 21-24 February 1981, in India on March 28, 1981.
Chairman of Religious Ceremony : Most Ven. Amritananda Mahathero Buddhist monks, Nepal.
Chairman of Organizing Committee: Gen. Katpundit Chotikayan.
Honourable Guests : H.E. Mr. Khelendra Prasad Pandey, Ambassador of Nepal.
: Mr. Pathom Suthivatnaruphut, Provincial Governor of Ratchaburi.
: Capt. Sutthi Pongsuwan, Chief Officer of Pak Tho District.
: Mr. N.B.Bajracharya, Chairman of Vajrayan Buddhist Sangha and President of Universal Love and Brotherhood Association Nepal Branch.
: Swami Iswarannanda, Head of Geeta Mandir, Nepal.
: Mr. S. Visveswariah, Editor of World State, India.
30. Songkran Festival Ceremony on April 13, 1981.
Chairman of the Ceremony was Mr. Thalerng Wisetsumon as representative of the Governor of Ratchaburi Province.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Maj.Gen. Prasit Cheunboon.
31. Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition of the 7,8,9 Religious Mission’s Works on April 13, 1981.
Chairman of the Ceremony was Mr.Pathom Suthivatnaruphut, Governor of Ratchaburi Province.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Pol.Maj.Gen. Pibul Pasawat.
32. Celebration Ceremony of the 12th Anniversary of the Enshrinement of Lord Buddha’s Holy Relics in Peace Pagoda on 19th October 1987.
Chairman of the Opening Ceremony: Gen. Katpundit Chotikayan, Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Judge Chalermchai Jarupaibul.
33. Ceremony of Praying for World Peace and Erecting the Peace Pole by the Society of Prayer for World Peace from Japan on 18th November 1987.
Chairman of Opening Ceremony: World Peace Envoy, Dr. Suchart Kosolkitiwong.
Chairman of Organizing Committee: Mr. Yoshimitsu Konagayoshi, Chief of Volunteer team of the Society of Prayer for World Peace