On Saturday, July 19, 1969, at 08.30 p.m., while Our Great Father Somdej Phra Phutajarn Brahma Rangsi (Toh) was preaching to his followers at the Centre of Heavenly Great Fathers, the immortal soul of Mohammed journeyed to the Centre and delivered the following sermon in the language of the World of Spirit. The sermon was translated into Thai by Our Great Father Somdej and may be put in English as follow :
Greeting to all men, who are still deep in ignorance and discord.
You may know me, Mohammed , the founder of the Moslem religion, as a blood thirsty type. You can judge from my voice whether what other religions incriminate me is true.
All religions should lead you to The World of Souls. You are confused about this because of historical distortions caused by arrogance and pretentiousness among successive religious leaders. You should know the truth that when the Moslem religion first appeared in Saudi Arabia all Mohammedans strived for peace. They bore no arms. They demanded only the freedom to worship their church. When Mohammedanism spread into India and passed through to China they did not dream of depriving anyone of his life. Actually they were ambassadors for peace. Some skirmished arose without premeditation. Of course, you may expect to find some evil men among the good ones in a large crowd.
I take this opportunity while I am here among mankind to express a great disappointment in your indifference to the sacred work of this Centre of Heavenly Great Fathers, which cannot last without cooperation among all of you. I know this well since I came from The World of Soul. This Centre of Purity may fail if the peoples of this age do not get together as Mohammedanism used to fail in India due to lack of consultation among our religion teachers. As a result of disunity among our religious leaders, the Moslem religion had to withdraw from India into the Malayan peninsula.